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Event Updates and Clarifications

Updates and Clarifications
701 days ago
  • Announcement

Good afternoon, we are just over a week away from the best TPSA state conference you have ever attended. As we enter into the last week of preparation before our students head into their competitive events, I wanted to send out some event clarifications and updates. Please read through each event update and do not hesitate to email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Event Check-In procedures:  Each competitor will sign a written statement confirming that they have read and understand their event rubric policies and procedures. They will acknowledge that any violation of the policies and procedures will result in disqualification. 

Cell Phones/ Electronic Devices/ Radios:  At no time after the competitor has checked in to their event shall the competitor be in possession of a cell phone, headphones, smartwatch, or any other electronic device capable of sending or receiving messages or outside communication. This includes devices that have been powered off. Any competitor found to be in possession of a prohibited electronic device will be disqualified. Non-working or training radios are only permitted in Fire Search and Rescue. No other event competitor is permitted to wear a radio as part of their uniform. Any competitor found to be in possession of a radio after event check-in will be disqualified, regardless of its presence at check-in.  

Law Enforcement Agility Course (M/F): Clarification of course instructions. A competitor shall not advance to the next stage of the agility course until they have completed the current stage. Failure to complete a challenge will result in the competitor being sent back to the incomplete stage to complete it.  If the competitor can not complete a stage they shall not advance. Disqualification will occur when the timer reaches 5 minutes. 

  • Clarification #1: 4’ wall climb. The competitor fails to make it over the wall on their first attempt. The competitor must continue to climb the wall until they either make it over the wall or the timer reaches 5 minutes. If the timer reaches 5 minutes, the competitor will receive a disqualification.
  • Clarification #2: Failure to low crawl without knocking down structure (Penalty Seconds added per Infraction). Each time the competitor touches the low crawl structure with any part of their body or uniform, a penalty will be added to their time. 
  • Clarification #3: Box steps: The competitor must step on and off of the box 12 times. Stepping on and then off counts as 1.
  • Clarification #4:19 push-ups. The competitor fails to do 19 push-ups using the correct form. (Chest must activate the push-up counter on each push-up). The competitor must remain at this station until all 19 push-ups are completed or the timer reaches 5 minutes. If the competitor leaves the station prior to the completion of the 19 push-ups the judge/moderator shall send the competitor back to finish the push-ups. If the competitor does not know how many push-ups they have completed, they shall start again.  If the timer reaches 5 minutes, the competitor will receive a disqualification.  The judge shall not count the number of push-ups out loud. If the competitor completes more than 19 push-ups, they shall not receive a penalty, however, the judge shall not stop them or tell them they have completed the required amount. 
  • Clarification #5: Failure to drag the mannequin completely across the distance marker. The competitor will return to the station and complete the drag before they are permitted to continue to the next station. 
  • Clarification #6: Failure to identify the correct suspect will result in disqualification. 

Report Writing: Students using Chromebooks must be able to open a word document offline. If you are unfamiliar with this process please reach out to your campus IT department for assistance. No computers/Chromebooks will be permitted internet access during the event. Students borrowing computers/Chromebooks from other students or advisors must know the login information. If the computer/Chromebook goes to sleep or locks the screen during the event the competitor will not be permitted to leave the room to get the computer unlocked or be permitted to handwrite the report. Students who arrive at the event without a computer and flash drive will not be permitted to compete in the event. 

Fire Search and Rescue: Competitors shall not perform CPR on the baby. The baby is to be carried out of the course with the competitor. 

Forensic Science Events: Competitors shall not enter the event with PPE in place. All PPE (gloves, shoe covers, safety glasses/goggles, face masks) must be donned after the event timer has started. Competitors who arrive at the event wearing PPE will be instructed to remove the PPE prior to the start of time. Standard lab coats/Tyvek suits worn as part of the required uniform do not count as PPE, however, Tyvek suits must not include shoe covers.  

Blood Spatter Analysis: 

  •  Materials list additions:
    • Optional: Dry erase/ wet erase markers\
    • Optional: Wet wipes or whiteboard cleaning materials
    • Optional: Meter/Yardstick

Fingerprint Collection and Analysis:

  • Materials list additions:
    • Optional: Liquid absorbing pad (pee pad not to exceed XXL size)
  • Event procedure clarification: 
    • Competitors must submit (place in the designated spot) their fingerprint card before the call of time. Competitors who fail to submit their card before the call of time will be disqualified. Judges will not be permitted to collect fingerprint cards after the call of time. The room will be arranged so that all competitors have an equal opportunity to submit within the allotted time.

Thank you for taking the time to read through all of the updates provided. If you feel that we have left out any updates based on your conversations with TPSA staff, please do not hesitate to email me. We want to enter into the conference with everyone as informed as possible. Informed participants make for a smooth-running event. Have a great week, and I will see you soon.


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7544 FM 1960 Rd E
PMB 118
Humble, TX 77346



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