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Latest News

Competition Rulebook

184 days ago

TPSA Members, I hope this letter finds you well and thriving. As we navigate the 2023-2024 school year and implement our new policies and procedures, there may be instances where revisions are necessary to clarify existing policies and procedures. After the successful conclusion of our first regional conference, we received valuable feedback from advisors regarding the 60-point minimum score required to advance to the State Conference. It has come to our attention that there is a gap in the scoring policy, particularly in addressing scores falling between 59.00 and 59.99 points. Following thorough discussions among the Executive Council and Board of Directors, we have reached a resolution to address this scoring policy gap. Effective immediately, the updated rulebook states that if a competitor or team scores between 59.50 and 59.99 and secures 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place at the Regional Conference, they will advance to the State Conference. However, if a competitor or team scores between 59.00 and 59.49 and places 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at the Regional Conference, they will not advance to the State Conference. We understand the importance of clear and transparent competition rules, and this amendment seeks to enhance the overall experience for all participants. As we move forward with the TPSA events throughout the year, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the updated rulebook to ensure a smooth and equitable competition for everyone involved. Thank you for your continued support of TPSA, and we look forward to an exciting and successful school year. Best regards, Kira Hassler Newsom Executive Director

Competitive Events Update

Competitive Events Update

319 days ago

TPSA Advisors, I hope that you have had a successful start to the 23-24 school year. I wanted to take a moment to update you on the progress our leadership team has been making in updating various aspects of our organization. One key area of our focus has been ensuring that our competitive events provide the best possible experience for our students. To demonstrate our commitment to excellence, all competitive events have been intensively reviewed. As you read through our event offerings, you will notice that some events, such as Team Fire Agility, Foot Pursuit, Job Interview, Fiber Analysis, and Crash Investigation, are no longer available. Some of these events will be back next competition season after an intensive overhaul, some have been melded into other events, and some will not return. With the sunsetting of events, it became apparent that we needed to create new events to fill the gap. We are excited to announce the addition of Parliamentary Procedure, Hair Analysis, Fire Press Conference, and Job Exhibit. In addition to updating our event offerings, all scoring rubrics have been rewritten. By updating the rubrics, we aim to align them with the most current industry standards and provide clearer guidance to participants. This will enable our students to gain a deeper understanding of the skills and knowledge required for success in the public safety sector. I am pleased to present a new scoring system for the rubrics. Each rubric now totals 100 points. This provides a standardized measure for evaluation and comparison across various competitions. The state advancement criterion has also been revised. Starting this year, only those competitors who score at least 60 points and place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at their Regional Conference will be eligible to advance to the state-level competition. This threshold ensures that participants showcase a solid foundational understanding of the subject matter and have the necessary skills to excel further in their public safety journey. As advisors and key stakeholders, we invite you to review the updated rubrics. Your valuable input and suggestions are crucial in ensuring that the rubrics are comprehensive, fair, and effectively measure the skills and abilities of our talented participants. We welcome any feedback or revisions that you believe would enhance the rubrics' clarity, accuracy, or relevance to real-world scenarios and industry expectations. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team or me via email at [email protected]. We will be more than happy to assist you. We kindly ask that any suggested revisions or comments be submitted no later than September 15th, 2023 to allow us sufficient time for thorough consideration and implementation. Your input will play a vital role in bolstering the quality of our competitions and providing an enriching experience for our students. After the posted deadline, no changes will be made to the rubrics, and the event scoring guidelines will be finalized. Thank you for your continuous support and dedication to TPSA's mission of preparing the next generation of public safety professionals. Your guidance and expertise are deeply valued, and we look forward to your contributions toward achieving excellence. Sincerely, Kira Hassler Newsom Executive Director Competitive Events for 2023-2024 Correctional Services | Name | Type | Event Code | Guidelines/Scorecard | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------- | :------------------- | | Correctional Institute Design | Prepared | CPCD | Download | | Inmate Processing | Roleplay | CRIP | Download | | Cell Extraction | Roleplay | CRCE | Download | Fire Services | Name | Type | Event Code | Guidelines/Scorecard | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------- | :------------------- | | Press Conference | Prepared | FPPC | Download | | First Responder | Roleplay | FRFR | Coming Soon | | Agility Course | Skills Assessment | FSAC | Download | | Search and Rescue | Skills Assessment | FSRR | Download | Forensic Science | Name | Type | Event Code | Guidelines/Scorecard | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------- | :------------------- | | Crime Scene Investigation | Roleplay | SRCS | Download | | Anthropology | Skills Assessment | SSAN | Download | | Hair Analysis | Skills Assessment | SSHA | Download | | Bloodstain Pattern Analysis | Skills Assessment | SSBS | Download | | Fingerprint Collection and Analysis | Skills Assessment | SSFC | Download | Law Enforcement | Name | Type | Event Code | Guidelines/Scorecard | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------- | :------------------- | | Job Exhibit | Prepared | XPJE | Download | | Building Search | Roleplay | LRBS | Download | | Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) | Roleplay | LRSW | Download | | Disturbance Call | Roleplay | LRDC | Download | | Felony Traffic Stop | Roleplay | LRFT | Download | | Traffic Stop | Roleplay | LRTS | Download | | 911 Call Taking | Roleplay | LRCT | Download | | DWI Traffic Stop | Roleplay | LRDI | Download | | Report Writing | Skills Assessment | LSRW | Download | | Agility Course | Skills Assessment | LSAC | Download | Legal Studies | Name | Type | Event Code | Guidelines/Scorecard | | :--------------------------------- | :---------------- | :--------- | :------------------- | | Qualifying an Expert Witness | Prepared | JPQE | Download | | Closing Argument | Prepared | JPCA | Download | | Opening Statement | Prepared | JPOS | Download | | Parliamentary Procedure | Roleplay | JRPP | Download |


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13165 W Lake Houston Pkwy PMB 118,
Houston, Texas 77044



TPSA is committed to creating and maintaining a healthy and respectful environment for all of our members. Our philosophy is to ensure all members, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status are treated equally and respectfully. Any behavior in the form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all members to uphold and contribute to this climate.